
Adventures in Numbers, Measurement, and Math

Counting Particles in TGM

When dealing with large objects, we can measure them simply in terms of mass and volume; but when dealing with extremely tiny objects, like atoms and molecules, this measurements become less useful. For this reason, scientists have developed ways of counting these particles very precisely, based on the mass of an atom of carbon; specifically, of carbon isotope unqua, or carbon-10 ("carbon-twelve" in decimal-speak).

Scientists began by noticing that dividing molecules up into their constituent parts resulting in simple ratios concerning their masses. E.g., common table salt is chemically known as sodium chloride, NaCl; that is, it is a molecule containing one atom of sodium and one atom of chloride. However, the mass of the molecule is not equal parts sodium and chloride; rather, it has 13 parts sodium to 23;6 parts chloride (approximately), because chlorine atoms are much more massive than sodium atoms.

So chemists started in with the use of gram-atoms and gram-molecules, the number of atoms which makes up the same number of grams as the atomic or molecular weight. As it turns out, though, all gram-atoms and gram-molecules equal the same absolute number of particles. So scientists picked an atom, carbon-10, and collected twelve grams of it; they then counted the number of atoms of carbon-10 in twelve grams of carbon-10, and this number they called the mole.

(Why twelve, given that SI metric is supposedly based on ten? Why grams, given that SI metric's fundamental unit of mass is notthe gram, but the kilogram? These are questions with no answer consistent with the metric system's underlying principles; they are simply illogicalities inherent in the system, ones of which TGM is completely free.)

This actual number of particles is "Avogadro's number," named after Italian chemist Amodeo Avogadro. Decimally, it is 6.02204x1022.

TGM takes this concept, but rationalizes it and makes it consistent with the rest of the measurement system. The unit of mass is the Maz, which is much larger than the kilogram; the TGM "mole" is that amount of substance which contains as many elementary particles of that substance as there are atoms in one unqua Maz of carbon-10. This give us the Molz:

Molz (Mlz) = 12E62;432 mol

Because the Molz is much larger than the mole, TGM's version of Avogadro's number is also much larger; this is made an auxiliary unit, the Em, and is equal to 1;439X4 bibiqua.

Em (M) = 221;439X4

By dividing the value of the Maz by this figure (in other words, by taking its reciprocal), we can get the TGM version of the unified atomic mass unit. This unit, much used in physics and chemistry, is abbreviated "u" in SI metric; in TGM, because it is transparently related to the Em and the Maz, is it called the emiMaz (mMz):

emiMaz (mMz) = 8;9X82 23Mz

This is pronounced "eight dit nine ten eight two bitriciaMaz." The emiMaz and the atomic mass unit are identical (mMz = u); they are simply measured in different units. Using "mMz" makes it clear which system is being used, and it also is easier to remember that it cancels out to "Mz" in appropriate circumstances.

TGM offers another auxiliary unit here, the Avolz, which is the standard gas volume:

Avolz (Avz) = 10E41;X Volm = 578.2844 m3

Note that this is quite close to 11 3Vm, and for rough work or estimates this estimate will be quite good enough to give a good feel for the true answer. The standard gas volume is the volume of one Molz of a gas at the freezing point of water and standard atmospheric pressure; note that, due to TGM's different standard atmospheric pressure, the Avolz differs slightly from SI's figure for this volume.

TGM also offers units for molarity, molality, and acid-alkaline issues; readers interested are encouraged to read the full description of TGM.