Goodman Coat of Arms

Goodman's Oak

Miscellaneous Thoughts, Projects, and Ruminations on Life, the Universe, and Everything

Donald Goodman's Homepage

While an individual having a real "home page" seems to have gone out of style (thanks to easy-to-set-up blog sites and social media networks, I suppose), I still wanted one, and so I created this. It's a bit more work than a ready-to-use blog from Wordpress or something, but it's (a) much more flexible, and (b) completely under my control. So I'm going to sit tight here and have some fun with this.

I'm a man of many and varied hobbies, so you'll find a great deal here, everything from conlangs I've created, software I've written, calendar reforms I (sort of) like, and a lot about number systems. It got to the point that I felt a need to have a "miscellaneous" link in the navigation bar, so that should give you an idea of how widely varied interests can be.

I have an RSS feed to help people (including myself) notice when something's been changed around here, though I'd never know if anyone other than myself is using it. I don't track these things; I wouldn't want to even if I saw a need to, which I don't.

So browse around; I hope you can find something that interests you. God bless you.