Goodman Coat of Arms

Goodman's Oak

Miscellaneous Thoughts, Projects, and Ruminations on Life, the Universe, and Everything


Donald P. Goodman III 26 Dec 1200 (30 Dec 2016)
This logo is designed to promote free and open source software in general. This is my own creation.
This logo proclaims that vi is not outdated. Display it with pride. This is my own creation.
vi Powered This image, incredibly only 114 bytes, is a remarkably apt representation of vi's austere greatness. You'll find it gracing the footers of these web pages, at its natural size. This is not my creation.
Another vi logo; this is not my creation.
Another vi logo; this is not my creation.
Another vi logo; this is not my creation.
A mutt logo to represent the best mail user agent in the world. This is not my creation.
A remarkably suitable representation for mutt and its text-centered interface, this smiling, happy canine is from the mutt wiki website. This is not my creation.
A great logo for the fantastic Newsbeuter feed reader. This is not my creation.